Book of Remembrance
Online Book of Remembrance
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It’s hard to put into

It’s hard to put into words how I am feeling over the loss of Cringer. It was unexpected. She was with me for 14 years. I loved our routines together. Sitting with me (not on me unless it was cold!) when I watched TV in the evening. Standing on my lap kneeling with both front and back legs. Arguing about whether it was bedtime or not so you could have your wet food earlier. Disagreements over how much you could lick me. Standing in your back legs to eat dreamies out of my hands. Our morning ‘conversations’ and hellos. You were so vocal. And so noisy for such a small cat – with your loud yelling from another room just because. Running full pelt into paper piles. Playing with your pink mouse toys. Working from home you’d picked up a habit of reaching up to me for strokes while I sat at my desk. Your eyes were always so big when you looked at me – wasn’t until after you passed I found out it was contentment. Meaning you were happy spending time with me. The house is quiet without you. You filled it with such a big presence with for such a little cat. I’m still finding your bite marks on things from where you’d bite them if I wasn’t paying enough attention to you. And you desire to crunch on anything plasticky – tape on boxes, sequins. I feel such an ache in my chest being apart from you. Hopefully you loved me as much as I loved you and that even if you were half as happy as you made me. Then you would have had a good life. I think? I miss you terribly and I miss our life together. Thank you for giving me 14 wonderful years. -Amber
Had a fabulous 15 years

Had a fabulous 15 years happiness love with lacey she was one of kind we miss more each day we will never forget you love you always mum and dad and Duncan xxx
An old lady of 16

An old lady of 16 years you battled for a better life from just a pup. We found each other when you were 18 months and learned to help you with your rescue trauma. A tiny soul has left a huge hole in our lives we will miss you forever run free now Izzy with Archie x
My baby will always

My baby will always be loved and remembered for your mischievous behaviour. Every day you were in our lives ypu brought us joy, love and happiness. You were only 1 & 1/2 years old and short lived with us when your heart murmour decided everything ♥️ in your body decided it was time to go. AUTUMN 🍂 Star 🌟 miss you and cry alot & Aunty Luiza misses you so much. Moon you will always be my boy and definitely Daddies boy (max grieving lots)..but we know you are with us flying high & in the best hands to give you another life. We LOVE you 🌙 MOON always & forever..mummy and daddy x
To my sweet baby Daisy.

To my sweet baby Daisy. Thank you for sharing 18 years of my life with me. Thank you for your love and companionship. Thank you for your patience with all the house moves and with our two children. Thank you for being the sweetest, loveliest family cat in the whole world. We will all miss you so much. Goodnight and sweet dreams my Daisy-poos. I hope you are sunbathing pain free in heaven with lots of love and treats, until we meet again my sweet girl. Love you forever🌈🌸
I’ll miss you forever my
I’ll miss you forever my boy, you got me through the toughest times.
To most people you were just a lizard but to me you were family. I hope there are lots of bugs to munch up there in the sky
Toby you was taken away

Toby you was taken away from us so tragically and far too soon, we was so very lucky to have you in our lives for 7 years we just wished he had longer 😢
Your not only leave behind your little shadow of a pet best friend willow who will no doubt be searching the house for you, but also your human best friend Amber, who’s heart will always hold a place for you ♥️
Sleep tight our boy
We will miss and love you forever
My beautiful Bonnie aka foxy
My beautiful Bonnie aka foxy mama you gave me 12 wonderful years full of love you were so loyal and funny and never failed to put a smile on our faces you fought so hard right up untill the end I will forever be grateful to you, run free my brave girl I will forever carry you in my heart sweet dreams my beautiful angel my Bonnie ❤️💔🌈🐾
You fell asleep on 22.08.22
You fell asleep on 22.08.22 aged 10.
Rory, our beautiful little boy. You were such a character, the most friendliest dog we knew yet you could be so stubborn at times. We didn’t mind as you were so funny and a joy to be around.
We love you so much and will always remember you. You filled our hearts with so much joy and so many wonderful memories. You have left paw prints on our hearts.
Lots of love from all of us xxxx
27/11/2009-17/08/2022Our beautiful girl Bonnie thankyou
Our beautiful girl Bonnie thankyou for giving us 12 beautiful years of you, so loving so loyal and so brave till the very end how do we go on without you I just dont know I’ll be forever grateful having you apart of my life you taught me so much I will miss your tapping feet and your flappy ears and your dopeyness but most of all we will miss you,your beautiful presence and bubbly personality home feels so empty without you I hope you and snoop are running free together, I will forever carry you in my heart and we will look after your girls be happy my doggy angel see you again one day 🐾❤️💔🌈
My lovely little Bugsy, my
My lovely little Bugsy, my heart shattered when you said goodbye. You made my place a home, i miss feeling your softest fur and your kitten face. May you enjoy cheese, chicken and Lick ee lix in heaven. I love you Sashes
Treasured memories of our beautiful

Treasured memories of our beautiful Labradoodle Maisie who shared 12 wonderful years with us as a family.
Sadly had to be put to sleep after a sudden decline in health. We are all shocked and heartbroken to lose you sweetheart.
Love from your heartbroken family.
RIP Maisie 💔😢
She was a loving pet,
She was a loving pet, I will miss you cuddling me in bed. Love you always
My beautiful boy. You came
My beautiful boy. You came to me as a tiny feral kitten weighing 300g. Poorly and given no hope. Your dog mum took you into her paws and licked you better. Took many years to stroke you as you were very independent however always nearby us all. Will miss our early morning 1 cat and 2 dog walks. You were a truly magnificent cat. August 2013 to 13 February 2023.
Roo Raa, you gave us
Roo Raa, you gave us 14 years of love and joy. Thank you for always being there for us. You have left a whole in our hearts that will never be filled ❤️❤️
To to our beloved &
To to our beloved & treasured cat Molly (Molly lolly), we love you so so much & we will miss you always & forever. The 14 years spent in our family, giving us so much love & happiness, our hearts & souls cry with your departure. Love mummy, daddy & your big/little sister, Ava xxx
Oh Mary Lou what are
Oh Mary Lou what are we going to do without you?
We had to say goodbye and it broke our hearts. You came to us as a stray 9 years ago and you never had any intentions of going anywhere else apart from our bed! Our other 2 old ladies had to put up with you and your funny ways but we wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
We are glad you turned up here and we gave you the Princess spoilt life you deserved until the end.
Thank you for the many years of love, joy and laughter. The early morning wake up calls, the piles of wasted cat food, the holes in the sofa, the fluff and cat litter but most of all your ability to give lovely cuddles when you wanted them. We hope you are running free with Spotty & Echo over the rainbow bridge and we will see you again one day.
Mummy & Daddy miss you so so much Tipsy 🐾
My beautiful girl thank you

My beautiful girl thank you for 9 wonderful years , I go to sleep thinking about you and I wake thinking about you.i am broken hearted and I miss you so much .I will never forget
Our DARLING TOBY left us
Our DARLING TOBY left us 27TH March 2014 aged 12.LOVED and remembered always.RITA and pearlxx
Kira (fatchopmalassieawoo)

My beautiful sharpei kira…we shared soo many memories u stole our hearts and leaving us you broke our hearts…I miss you now and I will miss you forever
Love from Daddy,Mummy,
And Hoopy🐾💚x
You have left such a big hole in all of our hearts poppy you was a sweet loving dog i couldnt have wish for more you will always be missed love you always poppy will never ever forget you baby girl
Macie moo
Nearly 16 years of nothing but love and happiness. A really unique character with a gentle soul. So many happy memories that will never be forgotten since the night we picked you up all them years ago. Rest easy my beautiful girl. Love you forever and ever may mop <3
Macie Grey aka Dora the Explorer

Sleep tight my baby girl. My best friend for almost 16 years. You’ve always been there to talk to and listen to me through the toughest times in my life. Such happy memories of you exploring, running on the beach and chasing rabbits & squirrels – but always letting them get away.
Love you so much Macie, you have brought so much joy to our lives – you will be missed so very much. Such a gentle loving soul who was stoic right to the very end. I will never forget you my sweet beautiful angel – night night, sweet dreams XXX
Millie Sherwin-Shaw

In loving memory of our pet cat Millie who was a loyal companion and
friend to all who met her.
Millie will be fondly remembered for her antics and bravery in all
situations that happened in her long and well lived life.
Thank you Jade and David for your care, compassion and thoughtfulness, you managed to make one of the most saddest moments of our lives bearable. Norman our beloved Schnauzer gave us 13 and 1/2 years of complete pleasure, to say we are devastated by our beautiful boys passing is an under statement, but we have so many happy memories to treasure. Once again, thank you.
Beverly and Chris Burton

To most you’re just a cat, but to me you were a safe place. The one I played with, forced kisses on, cuddled to the point of scratches, planned my bath around because I knew you’d be happy for an hour eating dinner while I was away from you. The one that laid with me in bed recently whilst I cried daily about life, the one that listened and never spoke back but purred whenever I needed you to. The one that made me so uncomfortable in bed just to make you comfy. You were mine.
I don’t know what life is doing to me right now but you were the one thing that kept me going and for some horrific reason you’ve been taken from me too. My heart broke tonight, and there’s a part you’ve taken that will never come back. I love you my Millie. My little therapist, bestie and the best companion I’ve ever had ♥️
You went to be with Abby on 19/12/2010, i am heartbroken to lose you, we miss you more than words can say, we will love you forever, i have over 25yrs of happy memories with you, you were a very special companion, until we are all together again,
Goodnight my Benny sleep tight

After 13 years in Bestwood Village everyone knew our beautiful Molly, such a beautiful little lady, loving and much loved. Miss you so.

Thank you to my Polly for all the memories..Love you and will miss you forever..Mum and Dad
Alfie Wardle

12/11/2009 – 07/11/2020
Much treasured family member for the years you were with us. We all miss you and will love you and keep you in our hearts forever. Goodnight and god bless big lad xx from all you family

I literally can’t thank you all enough for the care and compassion and kindness you have to our family , mainly Mheiia who was her owner . David was the best the man of god , the time he gave us to say our goodbyes and kisses I can’t thank the kindness of that man enough .
Miisty was the baddest bunny who touched the lives of everyone she met. A piece of our hearts went the day she left this world to go to heaven . There will never be another bunny like our miisty .
She lived up to the grand age of 14. She was spoilt , had everything she wanted in life and more . My daughter is heartbroken without her life will never be the same , it’s true that they become family . She wasn’t just a rabbit, Miisty was our best friend our entire world .
So thank you for everything you did . We have her at home with us . Wherever we go she is right with us . Our hearts are beyond broken and the tears still flow .

Our lovely girl . We will miss you . You were forever by our side . Love dad and mum
Bubbles Smith

The most amazing, loving and unique rabbit in the world. He has looked after us for nearly 11 years, it’s difficult to say goodbye but we hope he rests in peace.
Thanks for an amazing decade plus.
Your family xxx

Cherished memories of our wonderful girl

Border Collie 2008-2019 Died Peacefully at Home 14/8/2019.Our beautiful Boy, and faithful friend.Fondest memories of our time together in Derbyshire where we will all be together again one day .Thank you for your compassion and kindness at this sad and difficult time, and First class service you gave us.Goodnight Ben till we meet again mum/dad [sue ken] x
Poopy & Quincy

Quincy (ginger & white)
01/10/11 – 10/05/19
Poopy (silver tabby)
01/09/12 – 05/08/19
My sweet boys. Both taken far too soon with heart disease.
They are now reunited over the bridge, playing with the angels.
My heart is broken, I miss your healing purrs and your insessant demands for food at 4am!
You will forever be my family, my sweet boys.

Cavalier King Charles
18.6.11 – 4.8.19
You are gone but you will never be forgotten. There will ever be another Alice. You will be missed by everyone, especially Mummy & Daddy.
We will always love you xxx
Although Bessie (16.01.04-30.07.19) left us with a cat shaped hole in our lives Linda, Chris and brother Floyd would like to thank David and Jade for the kindness and compassion shown to the four of us.
There is nothing anyone can do to stop the hurt we are feeling but every little help.
As we reflect on the many happy years (15) that Bessie shared with us we would like to once again thank you from the bottom of our aching heart.
Our beloved Staffy , Blake died peacefully at home , he was almost 15 years old. Just want to write a tribute to Gedling pet cremation service for a truly 1st class service. Blake was collected from our home in Carlton and his ashes were returned later the same day, Tuesday 7th May 2019. Professionalism, kindness and compassion was showed by the lovely man that dealt with us. A huge thank you for a fab service

For 19 1/2 years you blessed our lives. Never will we forget you. You were my baby you’re love was unconditional. You grew up with our daughter Roxie 10 years old when she was born. And loved to attack your dad when he got too close to me and how we used to laugh about your antics. We miss you dump till we see you again in our heart you will remain x

07.11.12 – 24.05.19
During the 6yrs, 6months and 17days you were with us you’ve left many lasting memories that we’ll never forget. From licking comics, chewing through protective vinyl record sleeves, stealing slippers, playing fetch with rubber wristbands to kicking the living daylights out of your human dad’s shoes and so, so many more. We called you Velcro claws because you seemed to stick to the carpet when you’d saunter through the house. We’ll miss the way you’d run down the stairs to greet us every time we returned home and I’ll miss how every night you’d follow me to bed and knead my arms before finally falling asleep at the end of our bed. Sleep well boy, we’ll never forget you.
Human parents Suzanne & David & human sister Freya – (age5) & also your
Cat sibling Minnie xxx
Boris Perotti
Fell asleep 21/5/19
Our beautiful ginger boy came to our door 11 years ago.
We have loved you ever since.
“Fly fly precious one
your endless journey has begun
take your gentle happiness
far to beautiful for this.
The moon will rise the sun will set
but we won’t forget”
You leave paw prints forever on our hearts.
Love & cuddles from all your family & Freddie & Milo xxx
Milly Greaves

1-1-2006 – 10-5-2019
Final Journey To Her Eternal Resting Place 13-5-2019
Our Beloved Pet Cocker Spaniel. We Have Had So Many Happy Memories Over All These Years. You Were Such A Wonderful Companion To Us And Gave Us So Much Love. We Will Miss You So Much But Treasure All Those Moments We Had Together. We Will Never Forget You.
Lots of Hugs From Mum, Dad & Matt (Sarah & Ian)